Hollywood Hank: Family launches fundraiser for his funeral

They want him from Spain, where he will arrive on December 3rd. died, transferred to Germany & given a proper burial.

With the campaign title “The Last Journey of Hollywood Hank,” relatives of the late German rapper Sven Pingel, alias Hollywood Hank, are asking for 10,000 euros in donations.

The aim of the fund-raising campaign is to be able to transfer Pingel from Spain to Germany and give him a proper burial. The family could not cover the costs alone. At the moment (as of January 3rd) they have already earned over 4,000 euros via “Betterplace”.

Family wants to bring him home

The musician’s sisters, Katja and Tina Pingel, write on the specially set up Donation pagethat Hollywood Hank died on December 3rd, 2023 in Segovia, Spain. The rumor had been spreading for a few weeks that the rapper had died, but only a statement from his former labels confirmed the news on January 2nd, 2024. Now the family members are trying to find financial support “to bring Sven home and give him his last To make travel possible.”

It’s not easy for the family to ask for help in this way, but “that’s how he would have wanted it,” the siblings explain on the website. The costs of transporting a body from Spain would be “in the high four-digit range”. They also say: “Since we want to pay him our last respects and say goodbye to him, he should be transferred from Spain to Germany and then find his final rest with a burial at sea.”

According to the sisters, all of the money raised will be made available to Sven Pingel’s parents.

“Others reaped the fruits of his success”

The underground rapper never cared about making money with his music or that his music would go viral, Katja and Tina Pingel also say via the campaign page. And: “He had something to say and wanted to bring it into the world and reach people with it!”

According to the family, he was said to have had no financial success with his music until his death. His siblings’ opinion: “Others reaped the fruits of his success.” But they don’t elaborate.

There is currently no official information about the 38-year-old’s cause of death.
