Holland Casino coming to Tynaarlo ‘no gamble but sensible policy’

The decision for the new location of Holland Casino Groningen took a long time, but today the decision was made. The casino is moving to Drenthe, albeit only just across the provincial border. In any case, Tynaarlo councilor Jurryt Vellinga is happy with the arrival of Holland Casino and sees great opportunities.

“This is good news for us,” says Vellinga (Liveable Tynaarlo). “It is a great addition to Business Park Ter Borch. A large club and a reliable company that will fill a significant part of the business park.”

The casino will have a size of approximately 4,100 square meters. “It will be as big as our casino at the Gedempte Kattendiep in Groningen,” says Petra de Ruiter on behalf of Holland Casino Groningen. The casino was founded in 2017 fire and a new location has been sought ever since.

The fact that it has now been found on the Drenthe side of the A7 is a gain for the municipality of Tynaarlo, but will feel like a loss for the municipality of Groningen, which had hoped for some time that the gambling house would remain within the municipal boundaries. “I cannot judge how this is happening in Groningen,” Vellinga says when asked. “In any case, it is quite simple for us. There is a company with great interest and in discussions we have reached good agreements. Then as far as we are concerned, they are welcome.”

Although the municipal council does not usually judge on the sale of land to companies, the Tynaarlo council will still have its say on the arrival of Holland Casino. “No gambling license is required, but the council must approve the arrival of Holland Casino,” Vellinga outlines. “We hope that the council agrees with us that this is a good development for our municipality.”

The Tynaarlo cash register rattles quite a bit once the council has approved. With 4,100 square meters, you can earn a lot of money from land development. Councilor Vellinga does not want to say how much money the municipality can expect. “But it’s certainly a good deal.”

The CDA faction has now asked the council eight questions in which it questions the possible arrival of the casino. The CDA in Tynaarlo has previously taken a position on the arrival of games of chance in the municipality.

The Holland Casino may be located in Drenthe, but the name will remain Holland Casino Groningen. “The casino is indeed located in Drenthe, but very close to the residents of Groningen and our guests from Groningen,” says De Ruiter.

“This casino has a regional function and we now hope to be able to welcome more Drenthe guests,” continues the CEO of Holland Casino. “The casino must do justice to this region. While we no longer have a poker offer in our current, temporary building, we will have one in our new building.”

Holland Casino Groningen has 96 FTE staff. “That’s about 120 employees,” De Ruiter estimates. “As far as we are concerned, everyone will soon be moving to the new location.”

De Ruiter hopes that the casino can open in 2027. “That is the plan, although you never know for sure in a construction process. But we think that 2027 is feasible.”
