Holiday with dog and cat? 15 gadgets, from cream to bed

mmeans of transport, itinerary, hotel, bathing establishment. For families who have a dog or a cat among their members, and choose to take it on vacation, the choice of the destination itself is extremely demanding. Only the suitcase is missing? Here is a series of gadgets and accessories for a holiday with dog and/or cat that we may not have thought of yet.

On holiday with your dog, valuable advice for peaceful travel

Beastly travels, 15 gadgets for four-legged tourists

Starting with the protective creams for the nose and fingertips. Because, yes, even animals can get sunburnt. It is therefore better to apply a high-screen product to the white ends of the animals, for example the tips of the ears, before letting them out in the sun or before taking them to the beach.

For this reason, shearing the hair in the summer is not recommended (the hair protects dogs from the sun’s rays, especially dogs with a white coat and pink skin): dermatitis of solar origin and burns can arise. Exposure to the sun without protection increases, even for them, the risk of predisposition to the onset of photosensitive tumors.

Other must-have gadgets? They range from pet glasses to a baseball cap, ideal for sports days, to a polka dot bow tie for an elegant dinner by the sea or a set of 2 bowls for lunches on the beach.

And then, again, the car seat belt and the water bottle with integrated compartment for croquettes and bowl, the floating jacket and the cot with parasol. Or, again, the space capsule-shaped pet backpack. These are the proposals collected and available on for holidays with dogs and cats.

The Italian family and the holiday (with dog)

In this early summer, the portal inaugurates the holiday season with humorous cartoons signed by Urbano Marano, #thebreak.

A roundup of drawings that ironically tell some typical clichés of Italian holidays. Summer clichés and recurring situations in which, among the protagonists, there is also a dog: that is the pug of @ilrompi_. Italian families are now like this.

