Holiday money: what do North Hollanders do with it?

Many working people receive their holiday pay in May. For one, a nice bonus to go out for dinner or to make a nice trip. The other uses it – born out of necessity – more to compensate for rising costs and inflation. What do people in North Holland do with it?

Vacation, savings account or something else? – NH News

Groceries and tuition

“I always put the holiday money into school education for my two children” and someone else says that they don’t get much holiday money, “so that it goes on groceries”.

“I go with my boyfriend to my father in Portugal and we go to six festivals. Then the money is gone”

Vacation money issuer

Or someone who has bought a house: “A ruin, that really needs a lot of money, including holiday money.”

Return ticket Morocco and festivals

Others we speak say that “half goes into a savings account and the other half goes on vacation”, such as someone who has already booked a ticket to Morocco.

Another states: “I’m going with my boyfriend to my father in Portugal and we’re going to six festivals. Then the money will be gone”.

The holiday pay is according to the NIBUD (National Institute for Budget Information) usually 8 percent of the gross salary and will be paid by most employers at the end of this month.

More or less holiday money?

But the question is: what does the holiday pay look like on average? Are people going up or down this year? Payroll service provider ADP has the answer. With a gross monthly wage of 1000 euros, you will gain about 15 euros. With an income of 1250 about 18 euros.

From an average income (3086 euros) people decline. With an average income 18 euros less. Someone with a salary of 4629 receives about 27 euros less.
