Holiday in Colombia ends in drama: two Dutch people die shortly after each other | Abroad

In the Colombian coastal city of Cartagena, a Dutch man (31) and his 29-year-old girlfriend died shortly after each other under mysterious circumstances. The municipality confirmed this in a statement. The police have launched an investigation. It is probably poisoning.

The Dutch arrived last weekend in Cartagena, the well-known port city in northwestern Colombia. Two days after their arrival, the couple suddenly suffered from severe stomach complaints. They were helped by the staff at the hostel where they stayed, but when the complaints worsened, they were taken to a clinic nearby.

Shock condition

According to the director of the clinic, the tourists suffered from high blood pressure, digestive problems and were in a state of shock. The doctors did everything they could to save their lives, but help was to no avail. The woman died late in the evening, the man died the next morning.

“Our clinic’s care was completely focused on resolving their serious complaints, but their condition deteriorated rapidly. The causes and circumstances are a matter of investigation for the authorities,” Javier Hernández, medical director of the clinic, told Colombian radio station BLU Radio.

Some local media suggest that the Dutch have drunk too much alcohol, but that has not yet been confirmed by the authorities. The Dutch embassy in Colombia has been informed of the drama. The honorary consul is in contact with the families of the deceased tourists and offers consular assistance. The bodies will be repatriated to the Netherlands as soon as possible.

The death of the two Dutch tourists is widely reported on Colombian television.
