The Russian diamond giant Alrosa, which also has a branch office in the Antwerp Hoveniersstraat, was last week op a new light with economic sancties in the United Kingdom. The activities of the CEO Sergej Ivanov will also be linked to the Americas government of Joe Biden.
In Antwerp, the most important market in the market, there are no activities outside of the door. The federal regering shows that this is not the case when Europe imports Russian diamonds to Belgium from Tegenhouden. Maar premier Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) is not a plan for the sturen op maatregelen.
There are still diamonds in Alrosa and legal finance channels in the Russian State Treasury. Alrosa is a state requirement that is already in hand in Russia, so that the winst of the requirements of the state comes from the state. Previous year maakte de Diamantreus 824 million dollars winst.
Direct link
There is a direct link between Antwerp and Russian finance and the sale of diamonds to Alrosa. dat kon The morning After that, there is information on the websites of Alrosa, the Russian Ministry of Finance and specialized vacuum pumps.
The link is Gokhran, a fund for the most precious and precious metals in the hands of the Russian Ministry of Finance. Het fonds laat Rusland toe om also in oorlogstijd geld op te halen in het Buitenland, analogous to a goudreserve.
De zakken van het state fund zijn diep, as is not known high diep prices. Tijdens de recessie van 2009 cooks het for 1 million dollars Ruwe Diamanten van Alrosa op.
Gokhran also works as a stabilizer for diamond prizes. When the vraag near the most precious in Elkaar klapt en Alrosa verkoopproblemen ondervindt, Gokhran coopt diamanten om de prijs op te drijven. Aangezien Russia zelf aandeelhouder is van Alrosa, is het in het voordeel van de staat om de prijs hoog te houden.
In a more economical way, Gokhran does the stenen weer by hand. “Dat helpt om de opbrengst voor de federale begroting te maximaliseren”, said the Russian minister of finance and last year in an interview with the persbureau Interfax.
Wanneer Gokhran de stenen weer koopt, blijkt Alrosa de most important afnemer. Until the veiling in September 2021, Alrosa will cook 80 percent of the precious stones op, in July 2021 70 percent of the diamonds will go to Alrosa.
The last Gokhran-veiling went on 24 and 25 February – prices at the moment that the first rockets came from many in Oekraïne. A personal report from the state fund is now suffering because the stenen mogelijk met nimble winst zijn. The value of the jeweled diamonds was from the start vastly leged up to 64 million dollars, but the sale brought a lot more than 154 million dollars up to droog te leggen.
‘Trusted clients’
The stenen the Alrosa bij Gokhran koopt, zijn vorbehouden voor a selected group vaste klanten, de ‘trusted clients‘ the deel uitmaken van de Alrosa Alliance. As the bedrijven zijn, probeert Alrosa are kort te hide. De lijst met bedrijven is offline gehaald, maar is wel nog terug te vinden.
In the alliance there were 58 people, but 21 years he was vested in Belgium. Dat zei Alrosa-baas Ivanov zelf in December until het tekenen van een overeenkomst tussen Alrosa en Antwerp World Diamond Centre, de Antwerpse Diamantlobby. According to Alrosa, the 58 responsible persons are responsible for the largest part of the diamond turnover.
“Bij de kopers van de Gokhran-diamonds are quoted in Antwerpse bedrijven”, says Hans Merket, onderzoeker bij het onafhankelijk onderzoeksinstituut IPIS. “Je weet nooit wie wat krijgt, maar de verkoop is vaak ten nemen of te laten. If you refuse, risk zijn plaats as a privileged partner kwijt te spelen.”
Dat he en heel strong band is Tussen Antwerpen en de Alrosa Alliance, hoeft not te verbazen. Het op een na largest diamantbedrijf van Antwerpen, Pluczenik, is a van de stichtende leden van de alliantie. Op de Pluczenik’s website states that it is required that it is available, and that it is intended for “een ongeëvenaard aanbod”. Proprietor Chaim Pluczenik is the main representative of the Antwerp lobby group AWDC. Also missing other leden van de raad van order van AWDC raise a diamond requirement that is quoted in the Alrosa Alliantie.
Niet alleen via de Gokhran-veiling vloeide Antwerps diamond money to Russia at the moment van de invasie. In the week before, from 7 dead and met 24 February, Alrosa organized a private veiling in two branches in Antwerp. Het is not known how much that is sold. Gelijkaardige curtains in 2021 Strandden op bedragen van om en up to 10 million dollars.
Gevraagd naar een reactie wijst Chaim Pluczenik by AWDC, that de communicatie voert. AWDC-woordvoerder Tom Neys shows that the comment can be made, as well as the details of the Gokhran-verkoop not known. Also Alrosa we would like to comment on it for that article.