“Sea lockdowns! We want more lockdowns! I want to do a corona test!” Het zijn verrassende Leuzen for an anti-lockdown protest. Toch scandeerden demonstrators in Beijing dit weekend prices the words, zij het met nimble sarcastic ondertoon.
Dozens of Chinese were at the weekend bijeen van Shanghai tot Beijing om te protesters tegen China’s zerocovidbeleid. Due to the most recent protests, there is a fire in the city of Urumqi, in the westernmost part of China, which has already been cited in a strict lockdown. Because of the strict corona regulations, there have been no fires caused by fire.
En dat roept woede op, bij steeds meer Chinezen. Maar openlijke criticism is gevaarlijk – de afgelopen weken arresteerden de autoriteiten many demonstrators. You scandeerden de critici in Beijing hun boodschap tegenovergesteld: dat de lockdown notg maar lekker long mag aanblijven.
Billboards, bicycles and buses
Steeds vaker gebruiken young Chinezen creatieve manneren om actie te voeren en tegelijkertijd censuur te omzeilen, ziet Manya Koetse, sinoloog en hoofdredacteur van What’s on Weibo, an Engelstalige website the Chinesee social media volgt. “Zo proberen mensen op niet-digitale manneren hun stem lateen horen.”
De naam van die Beweging: de ‘toiletrevolutie’, the spontaneous zo will be doped toen in october demonstrators mock toilet hokjes in Beijing with anti-Xi graffiti, tegen president Xi Jinping.
Breaking, security police tore up the banners in the bathroom of China Film Archive, within 5 miles of #SitongBridge. These banners were the same in spirit to the banners of Bridgeman Peng Lifa.
北京警察如临大敌,撕下了中国电影资料馆的要自由要选票要尊严标语。致敬在那里行动的勇士 https://t.co/TblSNEImW6 pic.twitter.com/yYkESXvJUD— 周锋锁 Fengsuo Zhou (@ZhouFengSuo) 15 October 2022
The anti-lockdown protests zijn op talloze publieke plekken te vinden. On the bus, on billboards, and on bicycles, there are different stickers with the text “Xi Jinping is a limited number”. In the center of Beijing there were two protesters over a snelweg bridge, waarop Xi Jinping as “despotic verrader” will omschreven. En in metro’s use of the airdrop function on your iPhone or photo’s with protesters ongevraagd te sturen naar medepassagiers.
In de publieke protesteren Chinezen bovendien tegen de censuur waarmee de Chinese overheid antilockdownkritiek probeert tegen te houden. “That weekend held the demonstrators white A4’tjes omhoog, zonder tekst,” said Koetse. “It was a protest that something had never been shown.” The tactiek used by the Russian demonstrators was that the year before they started demonstrating in Oekraïne.
The toilet revolutie is a wisselwerking tussen online and offline protest: also on internet proberen young Chinezen op creatieve manneren zichzelf te beschermen. “So people report on social media with the text: ‘I want to see here, name: …..’”, says Koetse. “En dan puntje, puntje, puntje.”
The cryptic bewoording has another word: het ontglipt China’s reasonable censuursysteem, and can zo ook de Buitenwereld bereiken. “Daarom spellen demonstrators were different than normal, of ze bruiken compleet other terms.” A lot of critical reports were written in the Cantons, and the Chinese said that the overheating filters didn’t go anywhere in the official Mandarin.
Criticism on the movement
De voorhoede van the anti-lockdown protests: young mensen, the zich zich zich zich offline than online uitspreken tegen het strict Chinese zerocovidbeleid. At the elite university of Tsinghua held the students of the weekend papers with the knowledgeable formula of Friedman omhoog, a verwijzing about ‘freed man’, of ‘freedom’. Op universiteiten hang a variety of over-spotted anti-Xi posters, which Chinese students later also hung up on buitenlandse universiteiten.
Even Tsinghua and Peking University, the two top universities in China have students staging protests over the last 24 hours pic.twitter.com/VqUVxVAnrR
— flyingspaghettiisreal (@pastafarianis) November 27, 2022
Also, there is no need to increase the toilet volume, it is shared by Koetse. “Ze zeiden: dit is onze toekomst niet, het zijn de jongeren die het moeten doen.” Maar de moving heeft also critici, says Koetse. “Steeds meer hoor je dat ouderen also zeggen dat China een relatief succesvol coronabeleid heeft gevoerd, met weinig doden, en dat youngeren daar wat Dankbaarder voor zouden mogen zijn.”
Sommigen ask me bovendien af waar prices voor wordt protested, says Koetse. “Everything is possible in Beijing: I want to get to my factory, I want to be able to film, I want to test, I want to be sick of the corona virus. The movement has become so big that ze volgens critici eenheid reads.”
Gecensureerd censuur
Also the slimme censuurprotest is limited to the borders of the lopen. Op Chinese social media were often very cryptic reports in references to the white A4’tjes niet meer te vinden. As he is talking about Chinese towns, he says that there is a long way to go to report that some dressed escorts and services can be offered. It is possible that Chinese overheating with the reports of protest reports being overspoeled.