Hockey players in a goal-rich game again past England

The Dutch hockey players also won the second game against England in the Pro League. After Saturday’s 3-0, the game in the British capital London ended in 6-3 for the team of national coach Jeroen Delmee. With that, the Orange took over the lead in the Pro League standings from India.

The Netherlands took the lead in the first quarter with two goals from Derck de Vilder. Tjep Hoedemakers made it 0-3. Just before half time Nicholas Bandurak did something back for the English.

The home team was stronger in the third quarter and came closer with a goal from Stuart Rushmere. Hoedemakers, however, increased the margin again and Floris Wortelboer even increased it again to three. Rushmere made his second of the day. The English took goalkeeper Oliver Payne to the side in the final phase and then Dennis Warmerdam determined the final score at 3-6 on the advice of Terrance Pieters from a counter, by hitting the ball into the empty goal.

Delmee’s team is on 28 points after ten games. That is one more than India that has already played twelve matches. The Orange squad still plays against Germany, India and Spain. The Spaniards are led by former national team coach Max Caldas.
