Hockey players Den Bosch reach EHL final | Sport

The defending champion made the difference in the penalty corner. In the third quarter, Maartje Krekelaar struck via a smart variant, after the young defender Hélène Brasseur had run out too early and the Belgian team had to enter the penalty corner defense with one ‘man’ less.

At the start of the fourth quarter, Frédérique Matla put an end to all Ghent illusions by dragging the seventh corner low on the board, on the goalkeeper’s forehand side. It was Matla’s sixth goal in the tournament, her 42nd in a club this season.


Den Bosch had trouble making a breach in the defense of Gantoise in the first half. For example, four penalty corners were not spent on the top team from Brabant. But after experienced defender Stéphanie vanden Borre dropped out early in the third quarter with a knee injury, the Belgian resistance was broken. Den Bosch, much stronger, made good use of it.

Who will face Den Bosch in the final on Monday will only be announced tomorrow. Then Amsterdam, winner in 2019, will take on the Spanish Juniors. The metropolitan team had a lot of trouble shaking off Club de Campo on Friday. Thanks to a heroic role by goalkeeper Anne Veenendaal, the Spanish were defeated in the shoot-outs (2-0).

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