HOC survives difficult evening in Sellingen

FOOTBALL – In the 3rd division C, after the 1-2 victory at Sellingen tonight, HOC is fully participating in the battle for the lead. The formation of trainer Bas Nibbelke is second and the gap with leader leader Musselkanaal is only one point, but that club has played one game less.

Gert Middeljans gave the guests the lead, but through Anne-Jan Dijkstra the home team deservedly equalized. Shortly before half time Frank Fokke scored the ultimately winning goal. It was his twelfth goal of the season for the former player of VV Emmen and Alcides.

‘It was hard to stop’

“We only held back in the second half,” said Bas Nibbelke. Sellingen has a really good team, but we defended really well together. And now? There is only one plow above us, but the road is still long. We are only halfway through and we are still playing against all the top players, including twice against Musselkanaal.”


Musselkanaal is therefore the leader with 31 points from 12 matches. HOC is second with 30 out of 13, followed by Twedo with 28 out of 13.
