Hobbelweg between Rolde and Anderen will be closed for three months from Thursday

The Gieterstraat between Rolde and Anderen will be closed for three months from Friday. The municipality of Aa en Hunze will tackle the bumpy road.

The road will close from next Thursday and will be closed until December 1. The repair should make the road safer. The road is full of bumps, causing motorists to almost bounce over them. These bumps are caused by tree roots and peat oxidation, causing the soil to sag or, conversely, to bulge.

Of the 347 oak trees, only two probably need to be felled. The municipality has found a way to repair the road without having to cut down many trees. Initially, the row of oak trees would be cut down, but the city council put a stop to that.

The top layer of the asphalt is removed with a new technique. Holes are then drilled into the underlay in places where the road surface has subsided. Gravel is injected into these holes, which must ensure that a stable soil is created under the road.

The village interest association of Anderen is pleased that the road is being tackled. “Something had to be done, so it is logical that we are experiencing some nuisance from it. Something is worth something,” says chairman Henk Jonkers.

Still, he remains concerned about road safety. “It remains a strange road, with a lot of agricultural traffic and buses. And those bumps also have a speed-reducing effect. So people still have to be careful in the new situation,” says Jonkers.

Here’s what it looks like when you’re driving on the road as a motorist:
