Hjallis Harkimo’s spouse Jasmine Pajari, 35, opens up about her previous marriage

Jasmine Pajari and Hjallis Harkimo have been dating since November.

Fresh Helsingin Sanomat in an interview with Hjallis Harkimon, 70, spouse Jasmine Pajari35, opens up about his life.

Pajar and Harkimo have a 35-year age difference. Pajari tells HS that she is not “systematically attracted” to older men.

– With just as much probability, I could have met a 35-year-old man. I happen to fall in love with these people and find a connection, he describes in the interview.

Hjallis and Jasmine announced their relationship last year. Jenni Gästgivar

Before Harkimo, Pajari was married to a man who was more than 30 years older than her. Pajari had become a widow less than a year after she started dating Harkimo.

Pajari met his previous spouse in his twenties. According to the HS article, the man was in his fifties at the time, but “young and athletic”. Pajari and the man were married for more than 12 years.

My own money

Pajari has always earned her own money, and she has never been with any man for money.

– My previous husband was seriously ill for more than a decade. I worked several jobs so that I could support us financially. So the pattern was completely opposite. That’s why the theories and accusations of ventu guests seem incredibly offensive.

Jasmine Pajari works as an event coordinator for the city of Kangasala. PASI LEISMA

Pajaria has been hurt the most by comments that she started dating too quickly after her husband’s death.

– It’s strange to imagine that the sadness would end even if you found a new partner. Not the end of course. Still, no one has to be alone for the rest of their lives. Hjallis helped me from darkness to light, and there’s nothing wrong with that, Pajari tells HS.

Source: HS
