Hit film Rocky gets spin-off about Drago | TV

Russian boxer Drago was an iconic opponent of Rocky, who is played by Sylvester Stallone, in the fourth installment in the long-running series. His character returned last year in Creed II, a spin-off about the son of Apollo Creed, Rocky’s best friend in the series. Drago turned out to have a son who is now also boxing.

In Creed II Lundgren also showed a more human side of Drago. This tasted like more, the Swedish star reported earlier in an interview. But so far, MGM has refused to confirm the project.

It is still unclear what the plot of the Drago film will be and whether Lundgren will return. A premiere date has not yet been announced. First there will be a third in 2023 Creed-movie. It will be the first title in the rockyfranchise that Sylvester Stallone is not participating in.
