Hit Engelbewaarder by Marco Schuitmaker from Roden storms charts and turns pubs upside down

In football stadiums, pubs and at festivals. The number is everywhere Guardian Angel from Marco Schuitmaker from Roden. In no time, the 24-year-old singer stormed the Dutch charts.

“I now know that there is a Guardian Angel”. Chances are you’ve heard that text before. Schuitmaker released the song months ago, but the song is only now catching on. “Yes, that’s unbelievable. It happened so fast. I’ve been thinking for days how that is possible,” the Roner singer wonders. “The song went through the Netherlands like an oil slick. I can’t help but be very happy and proud.”

When the young artist recorded the song, he had no idea that he had struck gold. “No, absolutely not,” he says firmly. “But I quickly noticed that many people were singing along. The success multiplied every week. Then I slowly realized that this is a hit. But you don’t get used to that.”

For a while, Marco Schuitmaker was back at the place where he started his singing career, in Mo’s café in his hometown of Roden. See how he experiences his success here. The text continues below the video:
