History is being made in the Survivors Suomi program – But not in a positive way

The Sotong tribe has not been able to light a fire for six days.

The Sotong tribe made history. Four

Survivors Finland – in the seventh production season of the program, records are broken, but not in such a positive sense.

The women’s tribe Sotong has not been able to light a fire for six days. Of course, the situation is affected by the fact that the tribe does not have any income, unlike the men’s Ular tribe.

Host Riku Rantala tells during the episode that in the history of Suomen Selviytyjät, five days has been the longest time the campers have been without fire.

– You have now broken the record. In such conditions, fire is absolutely vital. I hope you would invest in it now, Rantala says seriously to Sotong.

The tribesmen would like to cook rice, but they cannot get boiled water without fire. Four

In the second episode of The Survivors, there are several scenes where Sotong tries his best to make a fire. The contestants are given a limited amount of rice, flour, oil and salt as food items, but cooking the rice is impossible without boiling water.

Only the coach has been eaten at the Sotong camp so far Kira “Kipa” Tiivolan prepared cold “magic dough”. The campers are hungry and the Malaysian nights are cold.

– The hands have been dusted to the point of being pretty shabby. I feel like if I put my hands together, that spark would be more likely to come from here than from among the bamboo. We have tried really hard, Miss Finland 2018 Alina Voronkova describes to the cameras.

trainer Kira “Kipa” Tiivola has created a magic dough in the Sotong tribe that they eat. Four

– I am personally quite ready to leave the fire and live in these conditions rather than expending energy and then we wouldn’t get the best result in the Games, Voronkova continues.

Radio presenter Tytti Junna states that the camp smells just like a movie theater, because the bamboos rubbed together smell like they have burned.

– It smells so much like popcorn in here, but why doesn’t it just light up? Junna is boring.

Survivors on Suomi Nelose and Ruudu on Sundays at 19:30. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.

Tytti Junna says in the episode that fire would be really important for camp life. Four
