Historic ships made of waste plastic fit in at the time: “Everything used to be circular”

Edwin ter Velde previously built a 17th-century VOC workboat from waste plastic and now he is going a step bigger. “The ultimate goal is a flute ship, which is a 17th-century freighter, but now first a so-called play yacht,” says Edwin.

Dutch shipbuilders were the first in the world to build a ship purely for fun. “In the seventeenth century, money splashed against the plinths,” says Ab Hoving, who is considered an expert when it comes to these types of ships. “People showed their prosperity with these ships, they were a kind of patserbakken.”

The barges were also innovative, because they could be steered by only one person. “Not that the owner was driving it himself. No, he was sitting with his friends and enjoying a beer,” says Edwin.

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It’s just not that far yet, at the moment the builders only have the beginning of the frame of the ship. “I think these are the most difficult things, although practice can still prove me wrong”, Edwin laughs. He expects to have the ship ready by the end of this year, early next year. “Then we will go sailing on the Markermeer, and people can come along too,” says Edwin. He beams at the thought that you will soon be sailing around in the contents of your trash can. “That’s cool, it consists of old shampoo bottles and other plastic,” says Edwin.

Ad, who advises Edwin during construction where necessary, had little faith in it at first. “Yes, I am often approached by people who are enthusiastic about a project, and Edwin also wants to make it from waste plastic. In the end I’m done with it,” he laughs.

Circular society

Despite the fact that in the 17th century ships were built from wood instead of plastic, Ab Edwin thinks his project is appropriate at that time. “Everything used to be circular, clothing was worn until it fell apart and then paper was made from it. Reusing waste plastic fits very well into 17th-century ideas,” says Ab.

Edwin would also like to pass on these thoughts. “You throw plastic away while such beautiful things can still be made from it. “He once started with waste plastic because he wants to play a role in the transition to a circular society. “Then you start researching plastic and you find out that it’s not the plastic, but us.”
