Hispanics fall in the final minutes

03/19/2022 at 18:36


The Spanish handball team, current runner-up in Europe, started the series of two friendly matches that will be played this weekend in Denmark with a defeat, after falling this Saturday 28-25 against the host team, current world champion.

A defeat that Spain, with which winger David Iglesias and center Jaime Gallego made their debut, seemed in a position to avoid, after reaching the final ten minutes of the match with a draw (24-24) on the scoreboard.

Time in which the “Hispanics” could only add one more goal which facilitated the victory of the Danish team, which won 28-25.

A result that the Spanish team will try to make up for this Sunday (13:30) against Norway, which on Thursday fell by a clear 37-21 against Denmark and this Saturday succumbed 37-29 against France.
