His Folgore team loses at home, but in the meantime Vannucchi continues to score: at 45…

In the third category, there are no tensions and relegations. Football and pure entertainment. And Ighli Vannucchi’s touch on the ball is exalted, even and above all from a standstill. After all, at 45 years old…

He made his debut two weeks ago with a goal from a free kick. But someone like Ighli Vannucchi never gets tired of scoring. He did it yesterday too, on a bitter Saturday due to the defeat of his team but in any case with the scorecard centered on his name.

Folgore Segromigno, a team from Lucca’s third category in which the former Italian Serie A playmaker plays, lost at home against Atletico Castiglione.

After the visitors had taken the lead early on, Vannucchi equalized from a penalty in the 21st minute of the first half. Halfway through the second half, then the decisive goal by Atletico Castiglione… Folgore Segromigno is the last frontier of Ighli’s romantic football, after last season, again in the amateur third category, he wore the shirt of the Lucchese side of Spianate and his son Niccolo had scored in the same match.
