Hip-hop recap: the five best releases of the week

Overview of new rap releases: with $OHO BANI, Lugatti, RIN, XAVER and Conway the Machine.

On Friday, April 28th, some exciting projects saw the light of day in the hip-hop world. You can find out here why you should have the releases of $OHO BANI, Lugatti, RIN, XAVER and Conway the Machine on your screen.


On his new record TRÄUM $OHO, $OHO BANI presents himself as a multi-faceted new generation artist. He uses a wide variety of genres (punk! dance! hip-hop!) and thus takes his sound to a new level. Don’t worry: party hits, as we know them from Berlin, are also represented on the track list, such as “MR. MEYER”, or “TANZBEIN”. However, $OHO BANI also has surprises in store. Listeners get to know him from his quieter, more thoughtful side. “KEIN SCHÖNES LIED” is about a love affair that is doomed to fail. Felix von Heymann, as the rapper is called, can definitely give you goose bumps. The production of the tape, for which Ericson was responsible, is also convincing, above all because of the variety.

Lugatti & Ffjodor – 50 HOODTALES

Lugatti also presents itself with an unusual sound on its new release 50 HOODTALES. Where turn-up usually comes first, listeners are confronted with more serious sounds from the Cologne native. Not only are Lugatti’s tones different, the accompanying instrumentals also sound new. They don’t come from Traya, regular producer and little brother of the “Sunset” rapper, but from Ffjodor’s pen. The beats are less characterized by Memphis traps and more by atmospheric pads and more minimalistic drums. With all the seriousness that the Cologne rapper-producer duo shows on 50 HOODTALES, sometimes better, sometimes worse, there’s no shortage of fun. Especially without the numerous marijuana allusions it would probably not be a real Lugatti record. While 50 HOODTALES isn’t a revelation, it’s a welcome attempt by a rapper to step out of his comfort zone.


On RIN’s new single “OFFLINE” the Bietigheimer is concerned with the fact that true love cannot take place in the digital world. “You always want to see me offline so that I can stay with you day and night,” he sings in the hook with catchy tune potential. The “Bros” rapper seems to be coming to terms with how the nature of human relationships has changed in the Zoom age – in his usual cryptic way. But the secret highlight of the release is the music video. It is in collaboration with “grotesque.group” were created, which partially created the visuals for the clip using artificial intelligence. In the video you can see RIN, whose shape is constantly changing. Visualizations of the song’s lines are shown in isolated moments. The futuristic-looking video forms a clear contrast to the theme being sung about. Lines about analogue, genuine feelings meet computer-generated images that paint the picture of a cold, digital future.

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XAVER wants to take care of itself more. On his SELF CARE EP, this is exactly what the Berliner is all about: less stress from external influences, finally going through with your own plans. The tape speaks of a great zest for action, is lyrically very appealing and provides wonderful entertainment during the playing time of (unfortunately) only 13 minutes. XAVER does a great job of embedding deep insights into his soul into a hip-hop context. His flow particularly stands out. This testifies to a serenity in front of the microphone, which is remarkable in view of the sometimes quite demanding lines. XAVER’s lyrics speak to Gen Z listeners directly from the heart, without appearing artificial or pathetic.

Conway the Machine & Jae Skeese – “The Chosen”

Conway the Machine will also appear in the current release week. Namely with the single “The Chosen” from his upcoming record WON’T HE DO IT. Conway doesn’t reinvent himself on the track, which isn’t necessary at all, because the newborn old-school rap he’s been pulling off with his label partners Griselda for years still works just as well as it did on day one. A sample, a drum break, a text straight out of New York street life. Conway & Co. don’t need more to captivate countless fans. Not much more happens on “The Chosen” either. But it happens – as always – at a high level. There is also a visualizer on YouTube.

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