Hinteregger’s father criticizes German media

In Germany, Martin Hinteregger faces massive criticism. This bothers his father Franz, who even makes a daring comparison.

Last weekend Martin Hinteregger, who ended his career as a professional soccer player, celebrated his debut in Austrian amateur soccer. His father Franz is bothered by the fact that he continues to see himself exposed to harsh criticism in the German media. He told the “Kronen Zeitung”: “Austria’s media celebrated Martin – but in Germany he was again placed in the right-wing extremist light, labeled as a problem boy. Martin has in read the morning news and cried. The whole family is exhausted.”

Because he sees little change in the German media, Franz Hinteregger even compares his son’s situation with a tragic fate. He asks: “When will the media agitation stop? Has nothing been learned from the Robert Enke case?” The former international goalkeeper and keeper of Hannover 96 committed suicide in 2009 due to depression.

With SGA Sirnitz, former Eintracht central defender Hinteregger lost his first game 0:3 against St. Veit. “Hinti” has been under criticism since the summer break. The reason: Hinteregger had agreed to work with the Austrian FPÖ politician Heinrich Sickl, who is said to have right-wing extremist connections.
