Hinge: what it is and how the dating app works

Uan ambitious promise: to find your ideal partner from the first date. Hinge, the dating app that landed in Europe last summer, has a very specific objective. In practice, being able to delete it immediately after going out with a person. The right one, according to their calculations, thus expressing the desire of the members. So long as dating apps approach it in the most correct way possibleas the expert explains.

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Hinge, what is the dating app designed by Nobel Prize winners

Behind Hinge, the dating app that is greatly satisfying the expectations of its users in the United States, UK, France and Northern European countries, there are two Nobel Prize winners. Lloyd Shapley and David Gale have in fact developed an algorithm which, combined with machine learning techniques, helps to find the best compatibility. A match born practically scientifically and based on the study of all the factors that lead to the success of a meeting so as to show the user as many people as possible with the best affinity.

Hinge’s idea is in fact to fully understand the needs and concerns of users so as not only to find the best possible match but also to ensure the best experience. In addition to being a totally inclusive app, with the possibility of defining oneself as “non-binary”, broadening the concept and idea of ​​relationship.

Hinge and dating apps

Almost a sort of new concept of dating apps, an almost obligatory evolution compared to the first ones born a few years ago and always maligned: «Yet this type of applications are neither positive nor negative, the real problem is how they are used by individual users” explains Luca Proietti, psychiatrist.

In fact, as the expert explains, dating apps perform the simple function of bringing people together, a very useful tool in an era in which it is becoming increasingly difficult to do so given that very often opportunities can be lacking. So when do apps become a problem? «They can also become risky when you give the app a power they don’t have, for example to overcome personal shyness or when you have personal difficulties in approaching someone new. In this case the app cannot replace work that should be done regardless».

In these cases the risk is that of speeding up times too much: «Not only this type of application but all social networks in general tend to greatly speed up the time it takes for two people to get to know each other, thus creating problems of unshared expectations and desires».

Are dating apps showcases?

Another problem, posed especially by some users, is that of understand these applications as showcases. In reality this is not the case: «These apps, in fact, are not obliged to publish certain types of photos, far from it. Many users, however, are convinced that by publishing particular images and posing in a certain way you have more opportunities to meet people. It may also be true, but not only we create false hopes in other people, but above all we don’t show ourselves as we really are. This behavior then leads to never meet people you might actually be interested in».

The apps are designed to actually introduce people with the same interests to each other and therefore they could have potential as a couple in reality. As long as they are used honestly: «This is why I tend to advise against their use if you are a person with personal safety problems and a need for continuous confirmation or of constant approval. In this sense, in fact, dating apps do nothing else increase personal discomfort» concludes the expert.

