Hilversum audit office scrutinizes housing plans

In the coming period, the Hilversum audit office will examine how the municipality will realize its ambitious housing plans. Hilversum has plans to build about 3,000 houses by 2030, but how and where is still partly unclear.

Building houses is badly needed, according to the municipality, because the pressure on the housing market is also great in Hilversum. More and more Hilversum residents are being added, but the number of available houses is scarce. Buying or renting a house is therefore not easy.

The prices of owner-occupied homes are high and rising rapidly. There are long waiting lists for social rental homes on the rental market, and there is insufficient supply of medium-priced rental homes.

Build houses

Hilversum wants to relieve the pressure on the housing market by building houses in the coming years. About a year and a half ago it was decided that about 3,000 extra houses should be built by 2030.

The Court now wants to see how that will happen or should happen. In the coming period, it must become clear what the plans are exactly and how the municipality will ensure that the plans will actually be implemented.

In addition, various partnerships of the municipality are being looked at. When it comes to tackling the pressure on the housing market, Hilversum works together with the Gooise regional municipalities and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. The audit office wants to know what agreements have been made and what the outcome will be.

The results are expected in a few months.
