Hilarity at Erica’s statement in ‘Chateau assistance’

This week the time has finally come: Martien, Erica and Maxime have now really been living on welfare for a month.

First night at Chateau assistance

In the episode of Chateau assistance it can be seen that the less luxurious life is difficult for Martien. The first night was not a success and the family is exhausted after a broken night. After a lot of bickering, they run into a second problem: transportation. All three need the car, but only one car is available. The bus is not an option, because according to Martien it is much too expensive. Colleague Wendy van Dijk picks up Martien and the former lord of the castle has a hard time with that. “I think it’s so bad that you have to bother someone,” says Martien.

Wendy van Dijk didn’t have it wide before

Wendy thinks it’s all not too bad how bad Martien has it. For example, unlike her friend and colleague, she finds the house very spacious and says that she used to have a hard time at home. “My mother always made clothes for me, because there was really no money for that,” said the presenter. “We also didn’t have time to buy food. Then we went to the supermarket, my father filled the whole cart and walked out. I didn’t know otherwise.”

Comments on Erica Meiland

There is one clip that engages viewers en masse. At one point, when Erica is asked if her grandchildren or her dogs come first, she doesn’t know what to answer. “That’s a difficult question,” she replies. “Dogs are very important.” That comment caused hilarity among viewers. “It continues to make me laugh,” someone writes. Another: “Erica Meiland has humor.”

This is why Erica Meiland was refused at the hairdresser:

Source: Chateau Assistance (SBS6)

March 29, 2022
