Hilarity among the viewers: John de Bever gets botox

The Beavers follows the life of John de Bever and his partner and manager Kees Stevens.

Ear syringing

John’s visit to the doctor to have his ears cleaned out because of his hearing loss takes an unexpected turn. At the last moment he opts for a prick in his forehead and he does so for a special reason.

Fell down the stairs

“I used to fall down the stairs with the pram and that’s why it’s grown a bit crooked here,” John says, pointing to his forehead. Partner Kees knows absolutely nothing about this story. “Is this story really true?” he wonders.

Elder George Clooney

The cosmetic procedure is not without a struggle. Cringing, John undergoes the ‘venomous injection’. Fortunately, the folk singer is very happy with the result. In fact, he thinks he looks like an older version of George Clooney. “You are just plastic fantastic”, Kees corrects him.


On Twitter there is a lot of laughter about the fragment: ‘Well, even more botox and that smile will disappear by itself’, jokes one viewer.

Source: RTL

June 17, 2022
