Hikers worried after large dune fire Kennemerduinen

A day after the dune fire at Santpoort-Noord, hikers in the area are concerned about the drought and the dangers. The fire started around 8 a.m. Friday and destroyed about 5,000 square meters of forest. Thanks to rapid scaling up and the deployment of many firefighters and equipment, the damage was somewhat limited. The cause of the fire is not yet known.

The day after the dune fire, it is already quite busy in the Kennemerland South National Park. Hikers and cyclists enjoy the beautiful weather on the first official day of the heat wave. Everyone has heard of the fire and no one is surprised. The drought is the talk of the town and when asked whether the heat wave is a cross or a blessing, most hikers choose cross. Everyone longs for coolness and a heavy rain shower. Also the dune.


Police and forestry are still investigating the spot deep in the forest where the fire started. Natuurmonumenten, the manager of the National Park does not provide any information about the fire or the damage that has occurred. A spokesperson said it was the policy not to cooperate with reports of forest fires.
