“Hij kan afvallen, maar heeft gewoon gebrek aan karakter”: 2 op de 3 Belgen vinden obesity geen chronice ziekte | Gezondheid

Most of the evidence describes obesity as a chronic disease that lasts for a long time. We also place it at the same level as the asthma of diabetes. This appears to be new from Johnson & Johnson. “Maar dat picture is fout,” says maag intestinal surgeon Isabelle Debergh. This distributes what we obesitas never have to do with the movement and movement.

About aandoeningen zoals astma, reuma of obesity zijn we het ons land in het algemeen roerend eens. Eight op de tien Belgen zien deze ziektes as chronic, en dus moeilijk te genesen. The difference between obesity and the Belgian population is completely different. Twee derde vanze landgenoten vindt obesity geen chronic ziekte, and thinks that he will never get enough of it. Well, 73 percent of diets and movements are the same as in the manner in which the food is eaten. Surgery (11%) was described as the least sent oplossing.

Volgens dr. Isabelle Debergh (AZ Delta) would like to see the picture. “Many people raise the crowd: you don’t have to worry about it, you can move more and less. Do you ever do that? Then this is a good example of the character of wilskracht. This means that the practical experience is never in Elkaar. Begrijp me niet verkeerd, het klopt dat gezonde voeding en moving cruciaal zijn. It is a basis for a regional living style. There are still many factors that are worth remembering from me.”

What do you think is so precious?

“Het gaat dan bijvoorbeeld om hormones in the hersenen and in the vertical display, which was triggered wordt om calorierijk te eten. Stress and slaaptekort lokken this uit. Ook medicatie like we never wasted. Vruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen, antidepressants of cortisone can always have an impact on weight loss. Verder zit je ook met feit dat suikerrijke voeding of drank verslavend is, waardoor je makkelijk hervalt. As all the factors op elkaar inspelen, patients can be in a vicieuze circle belanden telkens hervallen.”

“Very many people are not on the hook of the verhaal, and the person with obesity is completely guilty. If you listen to your patient you can start working in a beauty room, so you can do it. The neighborhood has a slim person with boven hair. This naturally has a great impact on the mental well-being, and is problematic.”

It’s also coming to the city. Three people in Belgium were treated differently with obesity.

How can we change that?

“A great responsibility lies naturally in the overheid. There are seeds with mutualiteites and work gears for cannen gezondheidsvorderende treatmenten promoot of betaalbaar blijven. Elke euro the donated wordt in the strijd tegen obesity, zal renderen op long termijn. It’s okay to invest in the health of patients.”

Now betaal je for a magverkleining around 6,000 to 10,000 euros. This word was said at this moment in time when a BMI above 40 is raised, and a BMI of between 35 and 40 is also available. Also with the bevraging blijkt the 49 percent of the Belgen vindt the overheid meer can doen om mensen with obesity te helpen.

“That is peculiar to the heel, we want obesity to be a chronic condition,” says Jacqueline Bowman, from the Foundation for the Rights of Burgers with Obesity. “Belgium needs to be aware of the fact that there is a good chance of diagnosis, treatment and long-term treatment of chronic medical treatment. The weight should be lifted exactly, so it can be played.”

The price is not the same as it was before. “He also wants to be aware of the patient’s condition. With the onderzoek of Johnson & Johnson, 6 percent of the obesity rate is raised, then we get up to 16 percent of the Belgian obesity level. A new trend, I don’t want to know anything about it, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. He has two edges.”

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