Highway Code: stricter and stricter rules on scooters

Psuspended warning for those who drive using a cell phone, strengthening of measures if driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, tightening on scooters: the announced crackdown has arrived and these are just some of the rules contained in the road safety bill which was approved by the Council of Ministers which promises a tough fist against those who do not respect the rules.

Highway Code: from electric scooters to

Code of the road, strict on the rules

To be precise, it will be above all to be affected those who drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. NoIt will not even be necessary to prove the alteration, it will be enough to result positive in the salivary test at the time of detention to immediately trigger the revocation of the license and subsequently also the ban on obtaining the driving license for three years. And in case of recidivism, the driving license is gone, but this time for life.

No large-engined cars for newly licensed drivers

A ban on alcohol is introduced for drivers already convicted of specific crimes and the obligation, for the same, to install the so-called “alcolock”a sort of on-the-road breathalyser into which the driver will have to blow as soon as he sits on the seat which prevents the engine from starting if the driver’s blood alcohol content is above zero (meter already adopted in various EU countries).

It’s still, novice drivers will not be able to drive large-engined vehicles within three years of obtaining the licence. And it is not excluded that in the future an additional license will be introduced for “big cars” even for those who have been driving for some time.

Stricter rules in the new highway code also for scooters (Getty)

Tighten up on scooters

Then, new scooter regulations, with the obligation of helmet, license plate and insurance, under penalty of a fine of 100 to 400 euros. Those in sharing will not be able to function outside the permitted areas. Anyone who does not have arrows and brakes on both wheels will have to pay a fine of between 200 and 800 euros.

Also i rental electric scooters will not be able to leave the cities and the companies will have to mount a mechanism on board that automatically blocks sharing if they leave the permitted areas. A few more guarantees also for the bikes: to overcome them, a distance of one and a half meters must be respected.

Highway Code, Safety car for accidents

Severe sanctions for wild parking and for those who drive against traffic. Stop the car from 7 to 15 days even for those who have less than 20 points on their license but run a red light, go too fast, don’t have a seat belt, don’t have a child seat. It will be necessary to keep 1 and a half meters awaywhere possible, both on urban and extra-urban roads, when overtaking a cyclist.

More clarity on speed cameras

In the event of an accident, the safety cars will be able to slow down traffic and act as a deterrent for further accidents. There will be more controls and signs at level crossings. And finally, they are introduced new rules on the regulation of restricted traffic areas, which must be used with the criterion of the utmost common sense. And rules are envisaged for greater clarity on speed cameras and, with a subsequent regulation, the procedures for approving speed detection tools will be standardized.

Dedicated final chapter to road education: a bonus of two points on the driving license for children who have attended safety courses at school which will be organized by the Ministry of Education and Merit.

