highlights Conference League – Video Gazzetta.it

Tonfo Lazio, Sarri’s team in the first leg of the round of 16 of the Conference League loses 2-1 at the Olimpico against Az Alkmaar. The biancocelesti start off like a rocket. The domain is total. And in the 18th minute Pedro scored with a volley from Zaccagni’s assist. The Dutch seem to be on the ropes, but that’s not the case. Because at the end of the first half, thanks to a mistake made by the Lazio defense, Pavlidis throws it in with a right winger from a cross from Karlsson. In the second half the script does not change. It was Lazio who made the match, but it was the Dutch who found the goal in the 62nd minute with Kerkez, ex Milan, who from two steps with a diagonal shot through Maximiano. In the final it is forcing biancoceleste, but it ends like this.
