Highest level in Veertig year

The inflation is in my current situation, from 8.31 percent to 8.97 percent. The army reported the highest level since August 1982, toen de inflatie uitkwam op 9.02 percent. This is reported by the Statistiekbureau Statbel. The spilindex is not overwritten in my opinion, that was a reason why we always did it.

editing30 may 202211:36

The high inflation is deze maand, so as in de voorbije maanden, voor a large deel te wijten aan de high energieprijzen. The inflation of energy is currently 56.8 percent. Daarnast is also higher than the inflation rate for the last month.

Some other products have also been steeds duurder. The core inflation, which is calculated based on the price increase of the energy products and the calculated middle rates, was 4.43 percent in May and 4.08 percent in April.

Vooral motor fuels, electricity, private houses, household brands, restaurants and cafés, milk, coffee and eggs, aankoop van voertuigen, alcoholic beverages, Buitenlandse irritate and city trips en vis en zeevruchten zijn in my duurder become. Aardgas en kleding hadden daarentegen een publishing effect op het indexcijfer.

The previous revision of the spilindex dates from April. That betekent that de uitkeringen en pensioenen in my and de ambtenarenweddes in June opnieuw stijgen met 2 percent. In the case of high inflation, he also takes care of that in the privacy sector. In the other sector, there is a different pace. For sommige sectors Maandelijks, for other than weer een keer per year.

Also in February we will overwrite the spilindex al eens, in the previous year it was in Augustus in December het Geval.
