Higher premium for warm temperature, zone boiler and renovation: so will the Vlaamse regering and energy consumption publishing

“We would like to see less afhankelijk maken van gas”, says Flemish Minister of Energy Zuhal Demir (N-VA), referring to the largest increase in gas that Europe dagelijks imports from Russia. Door de oorlog tussen Russia en Oekraïne zijn onze energieprijzen fors gestegen. In afwachting van een federaal energieakkoord pakt de Vlaamse regering daarom uit met enkele maatregelen om ons bruik naar omlaag te krijgen. Cost price: 218 million euros.

A total of 25,000 euros for a renovation

As vandaag dakwerken laat uitvoeren, nieuwe ramen steekt of een efficiënt warmtessysteem laat installeren, kan herevoor an overcoepelende renovation premium krijgen the afhankelijk is van zijn inkomensgrens. For middeninkomens kan dit oplopen up to 25 percent, for storage income up to 35 percent. In 2022 and 2023 the percentages will now be increased to approximately 35 and 50 percent. “Concreet adden middeninkomens hierdoor tot 17,500 euros and the last income tot 25,000 euros ontvangen”, says the cabinet-Demir weten.

Opgelet: aan de huidige income limits he never changes. That wil zeggen dat couplings de premium grandchildren than ze same not more then earn 65,960 euros gross per year. For each person, the limit is 3,700 euros. Avenue states may earn a maximum of 46,170 euros. The highest income in this category has also been lost. “Maar het middelde income from a Belgian gezin comes up to 46,000 euros gross,” says the kabinet-Demir. “Met deze maatregelen gaat 61 percent van de huishoudens erop vooruit.”

Premium tot 3,600 euros before warming up

Also the premium that is given to the installer from a period in warm Tebron, for example. This means that the premium for a hybrid heat pump from 1,500 to 2,000 euros. For those concerned who are entitled to a social tariff for electricity and gas, the premium is still higher: 2,400 euros. For an air-water warm temperature, the price is from 2,250 to 3,000 euros, up to 3,600 euros for the last income.

As well as having a zone boiler installed, there is more money to be paid for the calculation of the Vlaamse overheating. The premium is 300 to 450 euros.

Renteloze energielening

The renting of energy that is now only possible for less financially strong persons, such as people who are entitled to a total of 15,000 euros to 50,000 euros. Deze lening moet op maximum 25 jaar been terugbetaald.

Same with the renteloze renovation credit, that via the banks word toegekend, can deze lening volgens de Vlaamse regering 800 million euros aan kapitaal per jaar mobiliseren voor renovations. In the meantime, Minister van Wonen Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) also said that the costs could be added to the system.

A handling

Bent u de way kwijt in all premies in leningen? Dan kunt u terecht op the simulator van Mijn VerbouwPremie. Deze zal vanaf and deze week aangeven wilke vordelen je op Basis van deze nieuwe voorwaarden kan krijgen. In addition, the Energiehuizen, which gives free advice on energetic investments, amounts to 8 million euros more than average works.

Sea windmills and zonnepanelen

Keep the releases from ons energieverbruik wil de regering also dat we less fossil energiebonnen gaan Gebruiken. It comes as a separate item from the windmill park. “The coming two years will not be for 108 March 150 MW of extra wind energy per year,” says Demir. Also the jaarlijkse doelstelling voor opgewekte zone energy wordt opgetrokken. Normally, every year 300 MW of sea zone energy is available. In 2022 and 2023 we will trek to about 450 MW.
