Higher garnishment exemption limits for debtors

From BZ/dpa

Seizure exemption limits are intended to ensure that people who are in debt can also meet certain obligations if their income is seized. They will be increased from July 1st.

From July 1, 2023, new seizure exemption limits will apply.

According to the so-called garnishment table, the non-garnishable basic amount for net income is then 1409.99 euros per month. So far, the limit is 1339.99 euros. In the case of the garnishment protection account, the basic allowance is also increased from EUR 1,340.00 to EUR 1,410.00.

As a rule, those affected do not have to take action: banks and savings banks automatically adapt to the new limits in the case of wage and account seizures, as the Hamburg consumer center reports.

Employers and social service providers are also obliged to take the new garnishment exemption limits into account.

No automatism for individual allowances

However, debtors must change individual allowances that are set by the court or by the enforcement agency of public creditors.

For example, if debtors receive non-attachable salary components such as allowances or fares, they should contact the responsible district court for an adjustment.

In the case of attachments and assignments that have been in progress for some time, it can also make sense to ask your employer or social service provider whether the current attachment table is actually being used, according to consumer advocates.

If there are incorrect payments to creditors according to the old table, debtors can demand back payment of the overpaid amounts from the employer, social service provider or bank.

The exemption limits are adjusted annually by the federal government to the general development of the cost of living.

The new garnishment exemption limits apply until June 30, 2024. They result from the so-called garnishment exemption limit announcement, which the Federal Ministry of Justice publishes in the Federal Law Gazette. Anyone who has to pay maintenance therefore receives a higher tax-free allowance.
