High-protein diets: do they lose weight but are they bad?

dto the high protein bar to the grilled meat. There are many recipes to lose weight, or even just to keep fit, that put proteins at the center of the table. However, high-protein diets they definitely make you lose weight and fast too. They are not, however, the solution to every large waistline. On the contrary. «He It must always be a nutritionist to establish how a person can lose weight, why a diet is a medical actand the high-protein one is not good for everyone» explains la professor Silvia Migliaccio, president of Sisa, the Italian Society of Food Sciences.

What are high protein diets?

By now there are many types, but high protein diets are all characterized by a common factor: the amount of protein is higher to what is a proper diet. What is the most balanced diet, taken as a model to understand whether or not you exceed with a nutrient? The Mediterranean diet, naturally. Word of the Ministry of Health and beyond. «Whether we are talking about low-protein diets (i.e. low in protein), or high-protein diets (high in protein), the reference model is the classic Mediterranean diet. This provides for a percentage of protein equal to 15-20% of daily calories, supplied by all foods» explains the professor Silvia Migliaccio.

There is protein and protein

“There Mediterranean diet is considered the more balanced diet and therefore the healthiest. Here, however, the Proteins are mostly of plant origin: meat and foods of animal origin are present, but only in a limited way» explains the nutritionist and endocrinologist. In the Mediterranean menu, in fact, legumes, rich in vegetable proteins, prevail, and the lion’s share is made by cereals which supply carbohydrates, about 40% with which chickpeas, beans and lentils are combined. «The vegetable proteins of legumes, in fact, they are not complete because they don’t have all the essential amino acids. That’s why they should be eaten together with cereals» concludes the professor Silvia Migliaccio. Green light then to pasta and beans or rice and lentils.

How many do our body need

Before talking about a high protein diet we need to understand what is the amount of protein that allows the body to feel good. And have nice muscles. “In a healthy individual 0.9 grams of protein are calculated for each kilo of body weight» explains the professor Silvia Migliaccio. This amount is good for both men and women. The important thing is that they are in good health, because otherwise they have to forget about a high-protein diet.

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Who foots the bill for high protein diets?

«No one wants to demonize meat or animal proteins in general, because they are essential for muscle development and other factors, but consuming them in excess can cause damage to the “purifying” organs» warns the Professor Silvia Migliaccio, professor at the University of the Foro Italico in Rome. Once we have eaten meat or fish, a sweep up the leftovers they are the liver and the kidneys. These two organs must dispose of the waste, after the body has taken the nutrients it needed and must get rid of the garbage. The kidneys, for example, are a bit our garbage collectorsi, but if the work increases they have to work overtime and in the long run they get tired. High-protein diets, in fact, increase the consumption of meat, fish, eggs and consequently the amount of protein to be metabolized saltas well as the waste to be disposed of.

The kidneys get tired…

High-protein diets are trendy because they are very filling. Their satiating power is due to proteins, which take much longer to be metabolized than carbohydrates. «The flip side of the coin, however, is that the animal proteins also produce much more nitrogenous waste which strain the kidneys» explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio. «The risk is that you run into kidney failure, if the high-protein diet is continued for a long time, or if a person who already has health problems follows this type of diet. Or if it is in a particular phase of life such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, growth» concludes the endocrinologist.

… the liver gets tired

When you eat a steak or a slice, even if it is cooked without adding fatty condiments, in addition to the proteins, we always introduce a certain amount of fats of animal origin. They are present naturally in veal, beef & Co. «In fact, in high-protein diets, it not only increases the amount of protein nutrients, but also that of saturated fats, present in meat and cold cuts, even in the leanest ones» explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio. «It is the liver that pays the price which, in the long run, finds itself having to metabolise more fat than it should, with the risk of undergoing an alteration of liver function».

Even the intestines don’t like high-protein diets

Consuming too much protein of animal origin does not help the work of the intestine. “High-protein diets favor constipation and therefore constipation” explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio. «Meat, fish, cured meats are fiber-free. Also, in do-it-yourself high-protein diets si introduces few vegetables and even less fruit, so the fibers almost disappear from the feed. And the intestine “blocks”».

A help from vegetables?

Of course, one could think of a high-protein diet based on proteins of vegetable origin. In this case, however, it is essential to do so under strict control doctor. Surely, not everyone can follow this menu with lots of “green” proteins. “But by taking proteins from legumes and cereals, carbohydrates are also taken, which are almost absent in a high-protein diet,” explains the nutritionist.

Very few vegetables are often eaten in high-protein diets. Getty Images

How long can you follow a high protein diet?

“Even a high-protein diet with animal protein must be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist first verifies that the person can really follow such a particular diet”. And how long can a diet last? «The nutritionist always decides how long a diet with lots of proteins can be done: we start from 2 weeks, but never exceed 2-4 months» explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio.

Silvia Migliaccio, president of the Italian Society of Food Sciences.

Who should avoid it

Those who already have kidney problems, suffer from cirrhosis of the liver or have other liver disorders should forget about high-protein diets. «Even diabetics, pregnant women or those with cardiovascular disorders are not suitable for this menu. In some cases it is fine for the elderly. If they are struggling with losing muscle mass, eating more protein may help. But only if their doctor agrees» explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio.

Because high protein diets take away hunger

High protein diets are having a lot of success, because by eating lots of protein you are less hungry and therefore you also consume less sugar or carbohydrates. As a result, calories decrease, appetite decreases as well and the scale needle drops quickly. «Meat and fish, in fact, fill you up because the body takes longer to metabolise animal proteins» explains Professor Silvia Migliaccio. “By taking more time, the glycemic index also remains under control, unlike what happens when you eat a biscuit or even a piece of fruit» explains Silvia Migliaccio. In short one steak does not lead to another. Nor a bar, but both make you thirstier.

How to lose weight without problems

If you decide to follow a high-protein diet, it is important to let a dietician or nutritionist compose the menu. Not only that, but you also have to remember to drink much more water than usual. “Protein can lead to dehydration. This is why it is essential to increase the amount of water you consume during the day. Just so the kidneys will be able to do their job of street sweepers without getting too tired» clarifies Professor Silvia Migliaccio. And also the intestine will give a move.

