High-capacity 5G arrives at the Port of Barcelona

He 5G high capacity will unfold in the Port of Barcelona in the next year. The celebration of Sailing America’s Cup has accelerated a technological need that the port infrastructure had already detected, has admitted its president, Lluis Salvado. Together with the general director of B2B of OrangeJoaquín Colino, both have explained this Wednesday a project that is pioneer in Europe.

This technology allows you to multiply the download speed by 10. It is what is known as ultra-low latencythat is, the speed with which, for example, the videos or images are downloaded, to a speed practically imperceptible to the human eye. The other feature that makes it unbeatable is that it allows the connection of million users in a single square kilometer which, taking into account the influx of visitors expected in the sports and technology competition in August 2024, allows us to breathe with relief.

500 companies benefited

However, the 5G Stand Alone (SA) is primarily intended for use by the port community. “will serve 1,300 hectares of land areathe sheet of water two nautical miles out of our coats and 500 companies who raise the blind in this space every day”, described Salvadó.

To this must be added the 16 million people who visit the Port Vell because, despite the fact that it is a private network, the improvements in the telecommunications infrastructure that will be undertaken Orange for an amount of 3.6 million of euros will redound to all.

Pioneer in Europe

Orange won the contest for the deployment of the network, which allows the development of new services and applications pending a future 6G, and the investment will take place over five years, reinforcing three of the 11 antennae with which they now have. hill added that it is one of the most important that they have developed because it is pioneer in Spain and Europe. “Since 2019 we have been deploying 5G but it is done through the 4G network and it has only been a year since we have been doing real projects with Stand Alone”, he recounted.

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This 5G+ does not mean no price increase and it is only necessary to have a compatible terminal. It uses the same range of frequencies as conventional 5G and mobile phones. mobile of the main manufacturers support this technology.

port innovation

Saved It has also stressed that the high-capacity 5G network adds to other innovation projects that the port already has underway like the BlueTechPort wave BCN Port Innovation Foundation.
