Heulse Carlo Herpoel leaves by bus to cook in Poland for Ukrainian refugees

Heulse Carlo Herpoel leaves by bus to cook in Poland for Ukrainian refugees

Carlo’s cooking truck used to be one for medical research. Thanks to a major renovation, he can now cook food in it. He actually wanted to leave with the converted regular bus that he also used during the flooding in Wallonia. But the bus isn’t ready yet.

“I’m left with friendships everywhere”

Together with other volunteers from Belgium Aid, he will leave for Warsaw in a week’s time to prepare thousands of meals for Ukrainian refugees at the bus terminal every day. “That could equally well be 5000 sandwiches, but also hot meals. It can be to eat on the spot or to take away. Everything depends on the situation and the flow of refugees,” says Carlo.

De Heulenaar often travels to disaster areas as a relief worker. It all started with the earthquake in Haiti. “And since then I’ve caught the virus. It’s my passion. It makes friendships everywhere. In Pepinster there was even a lady who gave me chocolates.”

A few days after Carlo, helping hands also depart from Moorsele, where they are holding a large collection campaign this weekend for the supply of the cooking truck. Dry food, milk, sugary drinks but also hygiene products are more than welcome.
