Hetty from Monnickendam starts a petition to ban dog tax: “Why do we?”

Dog owners pay in one municipality, but no dog tax in another municipality and that is unfair according to Hetty Versteeg from Monnickendam. She wants it to be abolished everywhere, but first fights for her own hometown, and has therefore started a petition.

“There are many municipalities that no longer collect the tax,” says Hetty about the dog tax. In the Zaanstreek-Waterland region, dog owners in Wormerland and Oostzaan do pay, but in Zaanstad it was recently abolished. Also in Edam-Volendam, dog owners no longer pay dog ​​tax since this year. Hetty: “Why do we have to pay for it here?” In Monnickendam they have to pay between 55 and 60 euros per dog.

At this time the counter stands at 85 signatures. “I hope there will be a lot more,” says Hetty resolutely. “I will collect signatures at a market in September. As many signatures as possible and then I will offer it to the relevant councilor or alderman.”

Using money ‘what it’s for’

Dog tax was introduced in 1446. Hetty: “It was created to prevent rabies.” Municipalities can decide for themselves whether or not to levy tax and it is not a target tax.

And Hetty finds the latter annoying. If the municipality of Waterland does not want to abolish the tax, it would also be satisfied if the money is used to improve the facilities for dogs. Think of good dog waste bins with bags.
