“He’s acting so pathetic!”

Sander van Betten, Erica Meiland’s ex-date, causes anger at Daisy Piras. The 61-year-old private detective harassed the 23-year-old reality star with a comment about her breakup.

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Daisy Piras announced yesterday that her love affair with Luca Borsato, the son of Marco Borsato, is over. The break follows shortly after Yvonne Coldeweijer’s report that Luca is just as unfaithful as his daddy. “That’s right”, she confirmed to the editors of RTL Boulevard ‘to her sadness’.

“Ah, girl”

Sander van Betten, who has become known as Erica Meiland’s date, finds it necessary to interfere with this. He leaves a condescending comment under an Instagram post from Daisy: “Ah girl, is it over? Crazy, huh.”

It is completely unclear why Sander posts that. The two do not know each other and it is therefore strange for Daisy that an adult over sixty years old interferes with her love life without being asked.

‘Pathful behavior’

Daisy reposts Sander’s response in her Instagramstories and writes: “Imagine you are a grown man and you behave so pathetic. Sander van Betten, here’s the attention you want so badly, hope your bitter heart enjoys it.”

She thanks the people who do respond with compassion: “Thank you for all the sweet messages, there are so many that I can’t answer them from an hour ago but know that I read them and am super grateful.”

‘Overwrought girl’

Sander responds to Daisy’s reaction again on Twitter. “I have no idea who that overwrought girl is… ?.”

Then one side tweet says: “If you don’t know who that ‘overwrought girl’ is, why do you put such a scornful comment under her Instagram post? And then with a lot of ?? emoticons also announce that she is so busy with it. Very special. Then leave that child alone.”

Sander again: “Do you mind it too… Pfff, you are all crazy.”

‘The Borsato’

Sander also thought it was necessary to respond condescendingly to the field of candidates of the SBS 6 show De Alleskunner VIPS, in which Daisy participates, among others.

“Haha! A) I didn’t know Borsato had children. B) Why should I know all those kids who participate in programs!” he sneered at the time.
