Hertha President Bernstein strengthens coach Schwarz’s back

From BZ/dpa

Hertha President Kay Bernstein has backed coach Sandro Schwarz in the relegation battle.

“The team showed in Freiburg that they are going about the fight to stay up with all their might. This is a credit to Sandro Black‘ said the 42-year-old Amber the SportBILD. The Berliners had scored a 1-1 draw with the Champions League candidate in Breisgau with a good performance.

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The capital club has scored eight points from the last seven games and is in relegation place 16. It is the third season in a row that Hertha BSC has to worry about staying up.

A frustrated Sandro Schwarz on the touchline in Hertha's game against Hoffenheim

Committed to the sidelines: Hertha coach Sandro Schwarz Photo: Jan-Philipp Burmann/City-Press GmbH

“The difference: Previously, this happened when the coffers were full, this time the coffers are empty. The team, which has been thwarted umpteen times in recent years, and the umpteenth coach have to perform with this heavy backpack of missed opportunities,” said Bernstein, who has been President of Hertha since last summer. He believes, however, that relegation will succeed again.

Economically difficult situation

The Bundesliga club is in a difficult economic situation. Lars Windhorst had invested a total of 374 million euros since 2019, but these have long been used up. In the meantime, 777 Partners has taken over Windhorst’s shares and wants to put another 100 million into the club to support the consolidation.

A descent would be “also sporty the hard impact on the ground of reality,” said Bernstein. But you have to prepare seriously for all situations. “It is crucial that we build a new, solid foundation for our club,” said the 42-year-old. “We’ve had castles in the air long enough. The big circus will be gone for a while.”
