Hertha “buries” Big City label

President Kay Bernstein (left) and Joshua Josh Wander, CEO of 777 Partners, the new investor

President Kay Bernstein (left) and Joshua Josh Wander, CEO of 777 Partners, the new investor Photo: picture alliance / Matthias Koch

From BZ/dpa

Hertha BSC can count on funding of 100 million euros from its new investor 777 Partners.

This sum was confirmed by the CEO of the American company, Josh Wander, at the presentation of the partnership with the Berlin Bundesliga club on Monday. Wander did not give a timetable for transfers.

For Hertha, direct donations are fundamental to economic stability. “The entry of 777 is a central component of the licensing and to reduce the liabilities of the past,” said Hertha Managing Director Thomas Herrich.

777 Partner replaces Lars Windhorst as the main shareholder in Hertha BSC KGaA. Windhorst had invested a total of around 375 million euros in the club since 2019, but has now left as a partner due to discord. Wander did not provide any information about the payments to Windhorst required for the transfer due to contractual clauses.

For Hertha President Kay Bernstein, the new cooperation is a turning point after turbulent years. The club boss settled accounts with the former investor, but also with the former club management.

It is the day to “bury” the “Big City Club” label once and for all. The “megalomania of the past few years” is over. You want to work “humbly” and “focus on the essentials”. Wander described Bernstein and Herrich as “the right people to run the club”.


777 Partners Kay Bernstein
