Herrmann still feels “fresh” ahead of the season finale

Biathlon ace Denise Herrmann is looking forward to the season finale of the skiers at the legendary Holmenkollen.

At the cradle of Nordic skiing, the former cross-country skier wants to build on her recent strong performances in the last three World Cup races.

“I’m really looking forward to Oslo again, the traditional ski resort. Of course I hope that I can build on what I’ve been able to show in the last few weeks in shooting. The last three competitions have really hit it, but it’s possible I still run quite well and I still feel relatively ‘fresh’,” she said before the opening sprint on Thursday (3:45 p.m. / ZDF and Eurosport).

The individual Olympic champion had recently finished second in the pursuit in Otepää/Estonia and had previously won the sprint in Kontiolahti/Finland and finished third in the chase race.

In Norway’s capital, where no races took place for two years due to corona and spectators are now allowed again, the men’s sprint is also scheduled for Friday and the pursuers and then the mass starts at the weekend.

“Get a nice finish”

“I don’t expect to be on the podium in every race. I’m trying to enjoy everything a little and get a nice finish on Sunday,” said Herrmann (33).

Franziska Preuss, who finished third in the single-mixed relay in Estonia with Erik Lesser, is looking forward to running in front of fans again. 6,000 spectators were allowed in Otepää. Now there is no limit. “That was great in Otepää last weekend. You could experience biathlon there again, as you know it from the times before Corona. I hope that the people in Oslo have not forgotten biathlon and that many will find their way up to the stadium,” said the 28-year-old.
