Herman van der Zandt becomes presenter De Slimste Mens

Herman van der Zandt from Breda will present the successful television quiz De Slimste Mens. Philip Freriks will stop after the winter season of 2024. KRO-NCRV, which broadcasts the program, announced this on Monday. Van der Zandt announced this summer that he was switching from NOS to KRO-NCRV after more than twenty years.

Freriks will be in charge of the program for another three seasons. His last broadcast will be the finale of the 2024/2025 season. Freriks has presented the program since 2012.

“It goes without saying that we are extremely grateful to Philip for his fantastic contribution to De Slimste Mens,” says media director Sandra Hilster of KRO-NCRV.

“Together with Maarten van Rossem, he has ensured that the knowledge quiz has become one of the most popular programs in the Netherlands. We are confident that we have found a worthy successor in Herman.”

Smartest Person
In De Slimste Mens, famous Dutch people answer questions about a wide variety of topics during a number of rounds. In recent years, the program has emerged as one of the most watched programs on Dutch television.
