Here’s what you should know about the impending thunderstorm

Next Saturday (August 20) Schlager singer Helene Fischer will give an open-air concert in Munich. Now, however, it could be that a thunderstorm thwarts her plans – and her 130,000 viewers anyway.

So far, the weather forecast for the coming weekend in Munich looks bad: it’s supposed to rain, shower or thunderstorms – with a high probability. Therefore, it is now unclear how the show will take place. The situation must be monitored continuously.

Tobias Kapfelsberger, spokesman for the district administration department, says that “even before the start (…) there is close coordination” about the course of the evening, but ultimately the organizers, the police and the fire brigade also decide on how to proceed. In addition, both the concert and the current weather conditions are continuously monitored so that the necessary decisions can be made quickly and effectively. The current situation is finally discussed with all four parties every 30 to 60 minutes.

In the worst case, an evacuation takes place

Since umbrellas are not allowed anywhere on the site, evacuation is not unlikely. Should it come to that, there is already a plan: the fans would be “taken to a safe, secure building”, according to the organizer Leutgeb Entertainment Group. After all, they would have to leave the premises via the emergency exits. Exactly how this is to be done will then be explained on site. A security video that points out the correct behavior in the event of an evacuation before the start of the concert is intended to make the procedure easier.
