here’s what it depends on – iO Donna

THE tastes at the table are one gender issue. Science says so. Turning the words of the philosopher Feuerbach upside down: “We eat what we are”. Not only does food affect our bodies, but our bodies also affect the food we choose. This is what emerged from a review, currently being published, conducted by the Department of Endocrinology of the Federico II University of Naples. The explains it Professor Annamaria Colaopresident SIE Italian Society of Endocrinology and Professor of Endocrinology at theFederico II University of Naples.

Tastes at the table of men and women

Food preferences depend by biological sex and age more than from the place where we live and cultural factors. In particular, in a recent study published in Nutrition & Food Science by the Department of Human Sciences and Promotion of the Quality of Life of theSan Raffaele Telematic University of Romei have been evaluated dietary behaviors of 2,021 adults of which 1,276 womenusing a questionnaire consisting of 12 questions on eating habits17 on food tastes and 4 onhealthy eating.

How sex hormones influence food choices

«The association between gender differences in nutrition and sex hormones is recent and needs to be explored and deepened with further studies. But there is a growing awareness that food preferences in the Western world are influenced more by the biological components related to sex, hormonal status and physiological changes of the reproductive state (menstrual cycle and menopause), and to the social components linked to the roles culturally attributed to male and female identity», explains Professor Colao.

Mediterranean diet: debunking fake news to eat healthy

Tastes at the table: the role of estrogen and testosterone

«The review by the Federico II research group suggests that estrogens act on the hypothalamic nucleiwhich oversee the control of hunger and satiety, by activating the cannabinoid system That stimulates the appetite and induces in women the desire for foods rich in carbohydrates. The menInstead, they are more likely to eat foods high in fat Why active testosterone another system which is that of dopaminea brain neurotransmitter that generates a greater feeling of strength and aggression», continues the expert.

Men more prone to busy schedules

It is important not only what you eat, but also when eating. Women and men differ not only in the qualitative choices of food, but also in the time of day they take itwith different metabolic effects. THE males have a propensity to concentrate food consumption in the evening hours, women instead more in the first half of the day. «According to the review 47% of women concentrates the consumption of food in the first part of the day against 33% of men. For the evening instead it is 46% of women against 63% of men. Women therefore they tend to follow the biological clockwith beneficial effects for the maintaining a normal weight. The meninstead, they are “late eaters”, Meaning what nocturnal eaterswhen cortisol levels are lower. With worse metabolic consequences because ‘out of phase’ with the biological timetable and a increased risk of developing obesityalso because they are more inclined than women to waking up to eat nighttime snacks», concludes Professor Colao.

