Here Sánchez, Feijóo and Podemos are at stake in the regional and municipal elections of 28-M

Finish her election campaign for the elections on Sunday, May 28, whose night will reveal what citizen support they have to face the final battle: that of the general elections, expected at the end of the year. These are the municipalities and autonomies in which the PSOEhe PP and Can:

The socialists offer three arguments to justify his optimism. First, that of the adversary: Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the PP, anticipated last month that “the party of [Pedro] Sánchez will hold out better & rdquor; in the regional and municipal ones than in the general ones. Second, surveys like the one in Sociological Research Center (CIS), which anticipates that the PSOE will win and will be able to revalidate its main fiefdoms. And finally, the feelings of its main leaders, who see the socialist electorate “very mobilized & rdquor; and proud of the action of the Government. Even so, there are many uncertainties that hover over 28-M: what happens will depend on a handful of votes and, to a large extent, of the results obtained Can, key for there to be a sum of lefts in city councils and autonomies.

For example, in the Valencian Communitythe most coveted piece for the PP. The Valencian socialists hope to maintain control thanks to the sum with commitment and we can. Even if the purples do not get any representation, the PSOE believes that Ximo Puig will continue as ‘president’. More doubts are raised Valencia City Hall, governed by Compromís in coalition with the Socialists during the last two terms. But the most important municipal square for the party led by Sánchez is not this, but Barcelona. Madrid, instead, it is given almost for lost, both the community and the capital.

In Castilla la Mancha, the sensations are also good. The current president, Emiliano Garcia-Page, appears for his third term with a speech marked by his differences with Sanchez regarding the coalition with Unidas Podemos and the understanding with the Catalan and Basque independence movement. But both presidents have made an effort to park their clashes and, except for surprise, assure the collaborators of the head of the Executive, Castilla-La Mancha will continue to be socialist.

They are not so clear Aragon. Javier Lamban is also running to govern for the third time, but here is more items in play. Political fragmentation is greater and the autonomous government has been made up of four parties: PSOE, Podemos, Chunta Aragonesista and Partido Aragonés (PAR), and supported from outside by IU. Now a new actor enters the scene, Aragon Exists, Empty Spain brand.

And finally, Extremadura. The current president and candidate, Guillermo Fernandez Vara, like Page, has governed for an absolute majority, a anomaly. But in 2019 it was possible because vox he did not enter Parliament by a few thousand votes. Without having all of them with them, the leadership of the PSOE is more confident here than in Aragon. The goal, say socialist sources, is beat the block on the right not to depend on Podemos.

Feijóo He has traveled throughout Spain in recent weeks, including the islands and Ceuta and Melilla. The polls indicate that the conservatives will win in votes in eight of the 12 autonomies that hold elections. The three communities that Feijóo has pampered the most with his presence are the Valencian Community, Castilla-La Mancha and Extremadura, all of them are now chaired by leaders of the PSOE. In the Levantine autonomy, the popular believe that they can end up imposing themselves on the Pact of the Botanic of Ximo Puig. Of course, they would need Vox, whose headliner was convicted of sexist violence. It is the one that they have closest to snatching the PSOE along with The Rioja. In the Community of Madrid and the Region of Murcianow chaired by leaders of the PP in a minority, are going for an absolute majority.

In the local elections, the PP assumes that it will be the winner in the global calculation of the votes that are collected in the more than 8,000 municipalities that Spain has. The victory in ballots would already be a big step, according to Feijóo’s team, who recalled that in the 2019 municipal elections the PSOE took 1.5 million votes difference to the PP. On paper, they are going to consolidate the absorption of Citizens, in crisis for four years. The two big cities most coveted by conservatives are Seville (PSOE) and the city of Valencia (Compromís) and they believe they have chances in the second.

The results will be crucial for the United We Can space for more than one reason. The alliance of Podemos and IU is at stake in these elections to be key in half a dozen regional governments and their territorial implantation after a last electoral cycle in which they remained at a minimum in many territories. This, from the outside, because, in addition, the results obtained by the formations to the left of the PSOE will be key to the subsequent construction of Sumar.

In the 2015 regional elections, the first to which Podemos stood, the purple space obtained 181 regional deputies. of those only 71 left and United We Can have no representation in Galicia, Cantabria and Estremadura. Thus, the purple ones have conspired to, at least, maintain the current forces. And, above all, continue to hold the key for the PSOE to maintain the governments of various autonomous communities.

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The Madrid’s community and the City hall of the capital are two of the most relevant squares. Not because they have the chance to govern, but because they could be left out of both institutions by not overcoming the 5% barrier of the votes His disappearance, beyond the loss of territorial influence, would allow the PP to govern alone and give more space to Más Madrid. Two other territories are at the center of its priorities: Valencian Community and Balearics. In both territories, the purples hold a vice presidency with governments led by the PSOE.

On a second level, there are four territories in which Unidas Podemos is also part of the Government and where it needs to revalidate the results to be able to repeat the current Executives: Aragon, Canary Islands, Navarre and The Rioja. In the first of these squares, Podemos and IU will present themselves separately and the purple ones will try to get the current Minister of Science and Universities, Maru Diaz, revalidate his position in the Government. The same in the Canary Islands, where the candidate, Noemi Santana, is Counselor for Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth. In La Rioja, the purple ones also occupy a vice president and it will once again be henar romero the one that leads a candidacy with Izquierda Unida. Finally, in Navarra, Unidas Podemos holds the Ministry of Migration Policies.
