Here Kiss transform into avatars – video

Kiss will continue to be seen live as avatars – a video now shows how this works.

For the musicians from Kiss, an era came to an end with their last appearance in New York: They want to withdraw from the live business. But that obviously doesn’t mean that fans now have to do without the band. As they announced at the tour finale, there will probably be an Avatar show that could tour all over the world.

A now published YouTube clip shows how Kiss have transformed into avatars in the past few months:

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To bring their digital avatars to life, the band performed in special motion capture suits. Kiss wrote about the video: “The end is only the beginning. Kiss were made immortal and reborn as avatars to rock forever.” The avatar development marks the start of a new chapter in the band’s career. They now show themselves as superheroes – can fly, conjure fire and much more.

Kiss: Avatars open up completely new possibilities for live shows worldwide

The band wants to catch up with ABBA. The Kiss avatars were developed by George Lucas’ special effects company Industrial Light & Magic in collaboration with Pophouse Entertainment Group – the latter was co-founded by ABBA member Björn Ulvaeus. Both companies have already produced the “ABBA Voyage” show in London, where fans can experience a show by the Swedish band without the real artists having to be present.

According to APnews, Per Sundin, CEO of Pophouse Entertainment, stated that this would allow Kiss to continue their legacy forever. “Kiss could do a concert in three cities on the same night on three different continents.” And Kiss founding member Paul Stanley explained: “What we’ve achieved has been amazing, but it’s not enough. The band deserves to live on because the band is bigger than us. It’s exciting for us to take the next step and immortalize Kiss.”

“We can be forever young and forever iconic by going to places we’ve never dreamed of before,” said Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. “The technology will make Paul jump higher than he has ever done before.” There was already a foretaste at the final show:

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