Here is the most expensive hamburger in Finland

The flaming burger is reportedly the most expensive hamburger in Finland.

In November, a restaurant in Hook offers a hamburger that costs a lot. Very much. You can spend 69 euros on a burger.

What makes it so expensive?

The restaurant chain piloting Hook Juha Vuorio opens the contents of the hamburger.

– The raw materials are, for example, 200 g of wagyu meat, truffle and caviar, Vuorio says.

In addition to the meat, the hook flame gourmet burger also contains caviar and truffle-black garlic mayonnaise. Pete Anikari

Wagyu meat of Japanese origin is said to be the champagne of the meat world.

Based on an online search, for example, in the S and K group, the price of various wagyu meats is well over 200 euros per kilo.

Since the Hook flame gourmet Burger will be available from November, Vuorio thinks that it can be one of the Christmas specials.

The burger was developed to celebrate Hook’s 26th birthday.

According to Vuorio, from time to time they have customers or events for which they ask for something surprising. This burger is flamed before eating. On top, runny cheddar cheese is poured and cognac on top, which is lit.

Golden wings were once developed for the gold medalists of the Ice Hockey World Cup.

– They are still on the list. For example, the sheikh from Dubai has eaten them. By the way, he left a tip of 1,000 euros, Vuorio says and continues:

– If foreign celebrities come as guests, as we often have NBA or NHL stars, they always look for something special.

A glass of sparkling wine and six gilded wings costs 99 euros. According to Vuorio, it takes a few doses a month.

The taste of the burger is finished by flaming. Pete Anikari

The flaming burger, which costs almost 70 euros, must be ordered at least a day in advance, because the expensive ingredients are not kept in stock. No waste is wanted.

Hook’s burger is not the only one of its kind. Iltalehti has previously told about hamburgers in the tougher Price category. For example, a 59-euro okyburger.
