Here in Zoetermeer most piglet backs are on the street

Take a good look around you and you will see piglet backs all over the city. piglet backs? Yes, those are those semicircular concrete obstacles in parking lots, near shops and in residential streets.

They are also known as pig backs, jumbo blocks, elephant backs or bumpers. In Belgium they sometimes call it French bread. Whatever they are called, they are very useful for stopping vehicles.

Handy little backs

Piglet ridges can be seen in various sizes in the streets of Zoetermeer. Usually in a gray concrete color, but they can also be yellow or blue. These bumpers indicate the end of a parking space, prevent ram raids or ensure that traffic moves in the right direction.

Now that you know what piglet backs are, you probably see them everywhere. There is a good chance that most piglet backs in Zoetermeer can be found in the parking lot behind the Media Markt in the Stadshart. Just look at the pictures. If you believe that there is a location in our city where there are even more elephant, piglet or pig backs, you can email us: [email protected].

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