Here are the most dangerous roads in Italy

The map of the most dangerous roads in Italy in the ACI report shows a drop in fatal accidents compared to 2019, despite increased mobility compared to the pandemic years

Alexander Pinto

November 22nd

What were the most dangerous roads in Italy in 2021? The answer is in the Aci report with the map of road accidents which annually shows the most dangerous roads and the most affected categories. In 2021 the situation improves compared to 2019 given the drop in both accidents and deaths (5,119 fewer accidents, 179 deaths). The urban motorway sections are confirmed as those with the highest density of accidents due to the high traffic flows and the plurality of vehicles present. The urban penetration of the A24 Rome-Teramo registers 10 accidents per km, the northern ring road of Milan 8.8 accidents per km in the Monza/Brianza section, the Capodichino A1 branch in the province of Naples with 8.1 accidents per km; these are the roads on which the most accidents occur, while for the motorway network the national average is 1.03 accidents per km.

highway accidents

For extra-urban roads, where the national average is 0.5 accidents/km, the primacy belongs to the State Road 719 Prato-Pistoia, with 8 accidents/km, followed by the State Road 36 of Lake Como and Spluga in the stretch in the province of Milan with 6.9 accidents/km, while the Statale 671 interurban axis of Bergamo records 6 accidents per km.

accidents 2021 two wheels

At the apex of the most dangerous sections for two wheels are the Grande Raccordo Anulare of Rome, the SS 601 Ostia-Anzio in the municipality of Rome, the SS 007 in the municipality of Terracina, the SS 016 Adriatica in the municipality of Bari and the SS 018 Tirrena-Inferiore in the municipality of Vietri. The SS 001 Aurelia in the province of Savona, the SS 002 Cassia and the SS 006 Casilina in the province of Rome, as well as the SS 0016 Adriatica in the province of Rimini are also confirmed as having a high accident density.

Pedestrians and cyclists

Even on extra-urban roads, vulnerable users represent a very high share of deaths, increasing compared to 2019: 39% are cyclists, “dueruotists” or pedestrians. In 25% of cases a motorcyclist (270), in 10% a pedestrian (114) and in 3.5% a cyclist (38) died. Compared to the 53 deaths in 2019, fatal accidents for cyclists are decreasing.
