Here are Anne Flinkkilä’s last words to the TV viewers

Flinkkilä & Kellomäki will leave the screen for good today.

Saara Kankaanrinta and Riikka Karppinen will be the last guests of Anne Flinkkilä (center). HARRI HINKKA, Yle

An era ends when Anne Flinkkilä leaves the Saturday program. His and Ani Kellomäki the last episode of the talk show is shown today.

Kellomäki and Flinkkilä have been a working couple for a few years. Before that, Flinkkilä worked Maarit Tastulan with – and before that in Human Factor. All the talk shows have been similar, so Flinkkilä has become a familiar face in many Finnish households over the decades. That’s why it’s fitting that he addresses the viewers directly today.

– Now the moment has come when the moment strikes. The time has come to say – not goodbye, but goodbye. Maybe we’ll meet again sometime. Light and joy for everyone, Flinkkilä wishes in his last words Flinkkilä & Kellomäki.

The rest of the working group also participates in the acknowledgments in the closing texts. At the same time, pictures of people that have been talked about in the instructions appear on the screen. There are a lot of them.

Environmentalists will always be the last guests Saara Kankaanrinta and Riikka Karppinen. With them, Flinkkilä is strongly looking forward. Together, the trio searches for hope and the future.

– Those who can do it, and those who can do more, do more, Kankaanrinta sums up his outlook on life.

Kankaanrinta can do more with her spouse just because her spouse is Ilkka Herlin. He is one of the richest people in Finland. Wealth obliges. Kankaanrinta has founded the Living Itämeri Foundation and two ecological companies. Their common denominator is to look for tools to solve both climate change and nutrient recycling. Reforming agriculture is also important.

Flinkkilä & Kellomäki today on TV1 at 17.10. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
