‘Her TV career is heading for free fall’

It seems that Eva Jinek can no longer do well with anyone. This week she is being tackled hard on the front page of the Story. “Is Eva Jinek dreaming a nightmare?” reads the headline.

© William Rutten / Story

Eva Jinek has been in heavy weather lately, especially because of her role in the candle riot around Today Inside. According to TV connoisseur Victor Vlam, she has ‘a whopper of an image problem’ and, moreover, her brand new nemesis Johan Derksen will no longer let go. He sneered this week that Eva handles criticism so ‘childishly’.

Overpaid diva

Weekly magazine Story points this week to the low viewing figures of Eva and her infamous mega holidays. “The fact that she can hardly be seen for almost one and a half million euros a year is met with disappointment from the general public, who are having a financially difficult time. Can Eva stop this nightmare in time?”

From the popularity of Eva, according to the magazine ‘bitterly little left’. “Eva is nowadays mainly known as an overpaid diva, who is often not seen on TV. In the eyes of Jan Modaal, she comes across as extremely spoiled by wanting to be free a lot with her estimated annual salary of 1.4 million euros.”

Star in free fall?

Eva is still under contract with RTL for a year and a half and according to experts it is questionable whether she can keep her top salary after that. “Just as Eva’s TV career seems to be heading for a free fall, her great love Dexter van der Voorn has put his own career on a pilot light!”

TV producer Dexter is a full-time dad these days. And that only makes Eva’s mega holidays even more incomprehensible, says Story.

Frits burns Eva

Story has also found a Dutch celebrity willing to burn Eva: Frits Barend. “It is up to Eva and her editors to attract more viewers. They have to make sure they can’t get around her. That has decreased in recent years. I am also not one of the people who think: I have to watch Eva tonight,” he sneezes.

Frits thinks she is a great presenter. “But they are all not journalists. They have not stood with their paws in the clay. I notice that as a viewer. Again: there is nothing wrong with Eva, but it could be more creative and urgent.”

story cover

The cover of the Story:
