Her rebellion is now costing a riot tourist money

The blockade women chained themselves with others to the gate of the Federal Ministry of Transport on October 5, 2020: sit-in blockade by “Extinction Rebellion” on Habersaathstraße (middle).

by Anne Losensky

They blocked the fire engine access. For hours they refused to give way. The police asked them to leave the area several times. Then officers came with the angle grinder and flexed open the metal tubes in which they had chained their hands together.

After the protest action, the trial before the Berlin district court followed on Friday.

What the rebels believed to be non-violent resistance is criminal and, according to the indictment, the attempt “to unlawfully force people to stop using force and at the same time, in a particularly serious case, a public official who is responsible for enforcing laws and ordinances to carry out the act to have resisted such an official act by force”.

During the protest on October 5, activists also chained themselves to the gate of the Ministry of Transport (Photo: picture alliance / POP-EYE)

Melanie G. (26, unemployed) from Hamburg faces the process. Her criminal proceedings will be dropped if she pays 750 euros.

Anna Z. (31) from Switzerland is playing truant. She too has to pay 750 euros, but that is a conviction by penal order (50 daily rates of 15 euros each).
